Please contact our Customer Service about the FOB for specific items. We will clarify the terms and conditions right away when we start our negotiation, and to get everything in writing, so there is never any doubt on what has been agreed upon. If you are unsure about which Incoterms is more beneficial for you, or you have any further questions, our sales experts could help!

Transmart Industrial Limited has been one of the most competitive manufacturers since establishment. We design, manufacture, and test mumetal cores for a wide variety of applications. The mumetal cores series is one of the main products of Transmart. This product can retain its original shape. It has passed a compression and recovery test, making it not subject to static and dynamic compression loads in the course of standing or walking. The product has a wide permeability range. The basic advantage of this product is to protect the goods for sale. As a physical protective layer, it prevents damage, vibration, and compression during transportation. It makes the components of electronic devices lighter and compact.
Transmart pays high attention to the service of customers. Call!