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Amorphous Magnetic Materials in Electromagnetic Shielding

by:Transmart     2023-12-24


Amorphous Magnetic Materials in Electromagnetic Shielding


Electromagnetic shielding has become an integral part of modern technology, providing protection against electromagnetic interference (EMI) that can disrupt the functioning of electronic devices. Traditional shielding materials, such as metals, have limitations in terms of weight, flexibility, and ease of processing. As a result, there is a growing interest in exploring alternative materials for electromagnetic shielding. Amorphous magnetic materials offer unique properties that make them promising candidates for efficient EMI shielding. This article delves into the characteristics, applications, and advancements in the utilization of amorphous magnetic materials for electromagnetic shielding.

Characteristics of Amorphous Magnetic Materials

Amorphous magnetic materials, also known as metallic glasses, are alloys with a disordered atomic structure. Unlike crystalline magnetic materials, amorphous materials lack long-range order, leading to distinctive magnetic properties. Three key characteristics make amorphous magnetic materials highly desirable for electromagnetic shielding:

1. High Magnetic Saturation:

Amorphous magnetic materials exhibit high magnetic saturation, allowing them to store and deliver significant magnetic flux density. This property enables effective shielding by absorbing and redirecting electromagnetic energy, reducing its impact on nearby electronic devices.

2. Low Coercivity:

Coercivity refers to the resistance of a material to demagnetization. Amorphous magnetic materials possess low coercivity, making it easier to magnetize and demagnetize them. This property facilitates efficient energy dissipation, preventing the build-up of magnetic fields that can lead to EMI.

3. Broad Frequency Response:

Amorphous magnetic materials possess a broad frequency response, enabling effective shielding across a wide range of electromagnetic frequencies. This versatility is crucial as electronic devices operate in various frequency bands, from low-frequency power lines to high-frequency wireless communications.

Applications of Amorphous Magnetic Materials in Electromagnetic Shielding

Amorphous magnetic materials find application in diverse industries where electromagnetic shielding is essential. Here are some notable areas where these materials are extensively utilized:

1. Aerospace and Defense:

In the aerospace and defense sectors, where reliability is critical, amorphous magnetic materials are employed to shield sensitive electronic equipment from electromagnetic radiation. By preventing EMI, these materials ensure the proper functioning of communication systems, navigation instruments, and radar installations.

2. Electronics and Telecommunications:

With the increasing miniaturization and complexity of electronic devices, EMI poses significant challenges. Amorphous magnetic materials are used as shielding options for circuit boards, memory storage devices, and communication infrastructure. They safeguard against interfering signals while providing lightweight and flexible solutions.

3. Medical Devices:

Amorphous magnetic materials find applications in the medical field for shielding sensitive imaging equipment, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. These materials protect the accuracy and reliability of medical diagnostics by minimizing the impact of external electromagnetic fields.

4. Automotive Industry:

As automobiles incorporate more electronic components for advanced features, electromagnetic compatibility becomes crucial. Amorphous magnetic materials shield automotive electronics, reducing the risk of EMI-induced malfunctions. Additionally, they offer improved fuel efficiency by reducing the weight of shielding materials compared to traditional options like steel.

5. Energy Sector:

Amorphous magnetic materials contribute to efficient energy transmission and distribution. They are used to shield transformers, generators, and other power equipment from electromagnetic disturbances that could affect power quality. These materials help minimize losses and maintain the reliability of the electrical grid.

Advancements in Amorphous Magnetic Materials for Electromagnetic Shielding

Constant research and development efforts are being made to enhance the properties and performance of amorphous magnetic materials for electromagnetic shielding. Here are some notable advancements:

1. Composite Materials:

Researchers are exploring the integration of amorphous magnetic materials into composite structures to optimize shielding performance. Combining amorphous magnetic materials with polymers or ceramics enhances mechanical properties, while maintaining good magnetic shielding characteristics.

2. Nanostructured Amorphous Alloys:

By manipulating the atomic structure of amorphous magnetic materials at the nanoscale, researchers are achieving enhanced magnetic properties. These nanostructured alloys exhibit improved saturation magnetization, lower coercivity, and broader frequency response, making them more effective in shielding applications.

3. Multilayered Structures:

Applying amorphous magnetic materials as part of multilayered structures helps tailor their shielding performance to specific requirements. By combining materials with different magnetic properties, researchers can develop optimized shielding solutions for different electromagnetic environments.

4. Additive Manufacturing:

Advancements in additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing, enable the fabrication of complex geometries using amorphous magnetic materials. This technology offers customized shielding solutions, allowing designers to integrate shielding directly into electronic devices or components.

5. Biodegradable Shields:

In response to the growing demand for environmentally friendly solutions, researchers are exploring biodegradable amorphous magnetic materials. These materials offer temporary shielding during the product's lifecycle and degrade naturally after use, reducing waste and environmental impact.


Amorphous magnetic materials have emerged as exceptional candidates for electromagnetic shielding applications. Their unique characteristics, including high magnetic saturation, low coercivity, and broad frequency response, make them versatile solutions for diverse industries. As advancements continue to improve the efficiency and properties of these materials, amorphous magnetic alloys are well-positioned to play a vital role in ensuring uninterrupted functionality and protection against electromagnetic interference in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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