Is the higher the high frequency inductance of the ultra-microcrystalline transformer, the better?
Materials such as ultra-microcrystalline cores, ferrite cores, and FeSiAl amorphous are the core components of transformers and inductors. Ultra-microcrystalline core, also called nanocrystalline, has the following characteristics:
1. Very high initial permeability, μ = 30,000 to 80,000, and the change of permeability with magnetic flux density and temperature is very small; 2. The core loss is extremely low, and it is in the range of -40 to +120 ℃ does not change with temperature; 3. Very high saturation magnetic flux density (BS=1.2T), allowing to choose a lower switching frequency, which can reduce the cost of switching power supply and EMI filter; 4. The magnetic core is encapsulated by epoxy resin, with high mechanical strength, no hysteresis and expansion phenomenon, and can withstand strong vibration; 5. It can replace the traditional ferrite core to reduce the volume of the switching power supply and improve the reliability.
In fact, the working principle of the inductance is the same. The energy storage inductance means that in addition to the freewheeling current, it also has the function of energy storage. The inductance is generally relatively large. Above the mH level, ferrite, amorphous, nanocrystalline, etc. Material with high inductance value. The filter inductor is mainly used to filter high-frequency components, and the inductance is relatively small, uH level. Due to the small inductance and limited energy storage, it is not called an energy storage inductor. Ferrite, FeSiAl amorphous, etc. can be used with relatively high Bs. It is best to use ferrite materials at high frequencies! Nanocrystalline (ultra-microcrystalline) is used in common mode inductors, open and closed loop current transformers, variable frequency air conditioners, Hall sensors, switching transformers, etc.; when used in common mode inductors, nanocrystalline Crystal high frequency, high permeability and high impedance have more advantages than ferrite and iron silicon aluminum, but the price will be slightly higher than the latter two.
Amorphous is used in reactors, power transformers, choke inductors, Hall sensors, amorphous motors, etc. The application performance is better than silicon steel, the loss is smaller, and the cost gap is narrowing. Ferrite is used in common mode inductor filters, differential mode inductors, transformers, R rods, etc. As a traditional material for common mode inductors, many engineers are used to using them, but there are bottlenecks in high-performance miniaturization, and nanocrystalline has obvious advantages. Ferrosilicon is used in switching power supplies for energy storage and magnetic cores for filter inductors, PFC input and output inductors, line filters, uninterrupted power supply equipment, reactors for large power factor correctors, and traction inverters for regenerative energy. , PFC inductors, resonant inductors, solar, wind power inverters, PFC inductors, choke coil inductors, fast high-current electric vehicle inverters, switching current choke coils, automotive ABS control systems, home car generators, Inverter air conditioners and many other fields, the application has become more and more popular.