What are the advantages of vertical common mode inductors?
In recent years, market sales have been developing towards practical use. General common mode inductors have long been unable to meet the requirements of the sales market, so it is necessary to develop a new inductor product that can meet the requirements of customers. In this way, the common mode inductor is put into the market. So what are the advantages of common mode inductors? The general inductor has only one inductance value and two solder layers; while the patch vertical common mode inductor has two inductance values, the inductance value is not the same; there are four solder layers. The inductance value and electrical data flow can be adjusted according to the requirements of consumers. In this way, the large capacity of the mobile phone software inductor is avoided, and the expected effect is indeed the same. Even if the chip vertical common mode inductor is installed by the chip, all the machines and equipment can solder the tin wire, so there is no need for manual service installation, which avoids false soldering and weak soldering. Chip vertical common mode inductors burn out. Chip inductors and other inductors are electronic components that can convert electrical energy into magnetic energy and store them, and are also consumables. In fact, all electronic products cannot avoid loss in the whole process of use, but it is only the length of the use period. Inductors such as common mode inductors are also damaged by some other reasons besides natural loss, such as the inductance coil being burned out and cracked.
Generally, there are three reasons for the burnout of vertical common mode inductors:
1. In the process of designing the vertical common mode inductor, the design of the inductor coil is unreasonable, and the design margin of the scheme is not enough. Generally, the manufacturer can fully consider the various problems that the product will encounter in the application process. If you put the reason, there will be more design plans for this part.
2. The quality of silk-covered wire used by manufacturers for vertical common-mode inductor electromagnetic coils is very poor. Some manufacturers use fake and inferior silk-covered wires to save costs. Such fake and inferior products have poor heat resistance and are easy to burn out.
3. The general design requirement for the temperature of the vertical common mode inductor coil by the manufacturer is 60K, but some manufacturers are convenient to reduce the direct cost, and also reduce the number of turns of the inductor coil, which causes the temperature of the inductor coil to rise to 60K. In 75K, under the condition of high temperature, even the normal magnet coil wire can not bear the long-term load, which may lead to the loosening of the conductivity part and the expansion of the varistor, which greatly reduces the inductance coil cable sheath. In addition, the probability of burning out the inductor coil is also greatly increased. So how do you solve it? The chip vertical common mode inductor burns out. In fact, to completely solve the difficulty, we must start from the root cause. People must first prevent such manufacturers who are easy to manipulate costs regardless of product quality, and choose high-quality inductance products to be sure. Secondly, if it is found that the magnet coil is burned out, it must be disposed of immediately. If it is to be repaired, it can be checked whether the number of turns of the common faults of short-circuit faults is very small, whether the common faults of short-circuit faults are in the edge position, and whether other vertical common mode inductance coils are In good condition, if so, the damaged part can be removed for emergency application.