We clearly know that where the factory is located is crucial to its productivity and efficiency. Therefore, at Transmart Industrial Limited, the location of the factory is not randomly picked. It is strategically located at where is convenient for transportation, close to the market of our raw materials, and have easier access to professional talents, as well as where have less harsh weather. You can check our factory address on the “Contact us” page of our official website and find it on Google map. We warmly welcome your visit.

Transmart is founded as a manufacturing company, manufacturing and supplying amorphous core. Today, we are a reputed manufacturer. The
nanocrystalline cores series is one of the main products of Transmart. Transmart nanocrystalline ribbon is manufactured with high-quality materials. The materials have to be tested under professional machines for their mechanical properties, such as hardness, brittleness, tensile strength, and so forth. This product is mainly applied in the electronic industry. The product offers enough cushion. It is made of relatively flexible materials that can absorb certain impact and vibration. It's easy to assemble into the electronic devices.
Being recognized to be a dominant mumetal cores manufacturer is we's goal. Please contact.