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Common Mode Chokes: Minimizing Electromagnetic Interference in Circuits

by:Transmart     2024-04-13


Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a common issue in electronic circuits that can lead to degraded performance and malfunctioning of devices. To mitigate this problem, engineers rely on various techniques, and one effective method is the use of common mode chokes. These versatile components play a crucial role in minimizing EMI by filtering out unwanted noise and disturbances. In this article, we will explore the significance of common mode chokes in circuits and delve into their working principles. By understanding how they operate, you can make informed decisions when incorporating them into your circuit designs.

The Importance of Minimizing Electromagnetic Interference

Electromagnetic interference can arise from a multitude of sources, including power lines, radio signals, electric motors, and other nearby electronic devices. When these unwanted signals couple with conductive paths in a circuit, they can interfere with the normal operation of electronic systems. This interference can manifest in the form of distorted signals, decreased signal-to-noise ratios, and even complete system failure. To ensure reliable and consistent performance, it is imperative to minimize EMI in circuits.

What are Common Mode Chokes?

A common mode choke, also known as a common mode filter, is a passive electronic component designed to suppress high-frequency noise and attenuate EMI. It consists of a winding or multiple windings of wire, usually placed on a magnetic core. The primary function of a common mode choke is to filter out common mode noise while allowing differential mode signals to pass through, thus significantly reducing EMI.

The windings of a common mode choke are bifilar or multi-filar, meaning they have two or more conductors wound together in the same direction. This arrangement ensures that any noise or interference that is common to both conductors, known as the common mode noise, induces equal and opposite voltages in the windings. These induced voltages effectively cancel out the noise, while the differential mode signals remain largely unaffected.

Working Principles of Common Mode Chokes

The operation of common mode chokes is based on the principles of electromagnetic induction and the magnetic field produced by an electric current. When an alternating current (AC) flows through a conductor, such as a wire, a magnetic field forms around it. The strength of this magnetic field is directly proportional to the magnitude of the current.

In a common mode choke, the windings are wound around a magnetic core, often made of ferrite material. This core enhances the inductance of the windings and concentrates the magnetic field. When common mode noise is present in the circuit, it induces voltages in the windings due to the changing magnetic field. As a result, the common mode noise is effectively canceled out, as the induced voltages are out of phase and equal in magnitude, but opposite in polarity.

On the other hand, differential mode signals, which are signals of interest in the circuit, induce voltages in the windings but in opposite directions. Since these signals are not common to both conductors, the induced voltages do not cancel each other out. Therefore, the differential mode signals pass through the common mode choke with minimal attenuation.

Benefits and Applications of Common Mode Chokes

Common mode chokes offer several advantages in the suppression of electromagnetic interference. Some of the key benefits include:

1. EMI Reduction: Common mode chokes effectively reduce EMI, allowing circuits to function properly without disturbances caused by unwanted noise.

2. Noise Filtering: By attenuating common mode noise, these chokes provide a cleaner and more reliable power supply, resulting in improved signal integrity and reduced signal degradation.

3. Minimal Insertion Loss: Common mode chokes have low insertion loss for differential mode signals, meaning they have minimal impact on the signals of interest in the circuit.

4. Broad Frequency Range: These chokes are effective over a wide range of frequencies, making them suitable for various applications and diverse electronic systems.

Common mode chokes find applications in numerous industries and areas of electronic design, including:

1. Power Electronics: Common mode chokes are commonly used in power supplies, inverters, converters, and motor drives to reduce EMI and ensure reliable operation.

2. Communication Systems: In telecommunications equipment, network interfaces, and data transmission systems, common mode chokes are essential for attenuating noise and maintaining signal quality.

3. Audio and Video Equipment: These chokes are utilized in audio systems, video equipment, and media devices to eliminate EMI and enhance audio/video clarity.

4. Automotive Electronics: Common mode chokes are increasingly integrated into automotive electronic systems to minimize interference from electrical subsystems, improving overall vehicle performance.

Selection and Implementation Considerations

When selecting and implementing common mode chokes in a circuit design, several factors must be considered:

1. Impedance: The impedance of the common mode choke should be chosen appropriately to ensure effective noise suppression. Higher impedance values are generally more effective in attenuating EMI.

2. Frequency Range: It is crucial to select a common mode choke that covers the frequency range of the noise to be suppressed. Different common mode chokes have different frequency responses, so careful consideration is necessary.

3. Current Rating: The common mode choke should have a current rating suitable for the specific application. It is essential to ensure that the chosen choke can handle the current passing through it without saturation or overheating.

4. Physical Size: The physical dimensions of the common mode choke must be compatible with the space constraints of the circuit board or system.

By carefully considering these factors, engineers can optimize the performance and effectiveness of common mode chokes in their circuit designs.


Minimizing electromagnetic interference is crucial for the reliable operation of electronic circuits and devices. Common mode chokes provide an effective means of attenuating EMI by filtering out unwanted noise while allowing desired signals to pass through. By understanding their working principles and considering important factors during their selection and implementation, engineers can successfully incorporate common mode chokes into their designs. Whether in power electronics, communication systems, or automotive applications, the use of common mode chokes helps ensure optimal circuit performance and electromagnetic compatibility.


Electromagnetic interference (EMI) poses significant challenges in electronic circuits, affecting performance and reliability. Common mode chokes, also known as common mode filters, offer a solution by minimizing EMI in circuits. These chokes, which consist of windings on a magnetic core, filter out common mode noise while allowing desired signals to pass through. By canceling out noise through electromagnetic induction, common mode chokes effectively suppress EMI. They find applications in various industries, including power electronics, communication systems, audio/video equipment, and automotive electronics. When selecting and implementing common mode chokes, factors such as impedance, frequency range, current rating, and physical size must be considered. By carefully incorporating common mode chokes into circuit designs, engineers can mitigate EMI and ensure reliable operation.

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