Transmart Industrial Limited has some items under our own brand name in order to add value. For these parts of Soft Magnetic Materials , we are responsible for everything including the production and development, supply chain, delivery and the marketing. Our company is a noteworthy concern engaged in the production of world class products and provide customized service. Our uncompromising attitude towards producing the highest quality products for our customers has helped us in building a strong foothold in the domestic as well as global markets.

Paying years of attention to the manufacture of mu metal transformer core, Transmart has been considered as one of the most robust manufacturers in China. According to the material, Transmart's products are divided into several categories, and
nanocrystalline cores is one of them. There are several major production processes included in Transmart inductor manufacturers manufacture, namely, materials opening and cleaning, loosening the fibers, lapping, dyeing, and printing. This product is effective in guiding magnetic fields in electrical, electromechanical and magnetic devices. The product has a great market prospect, great potential and with large market share. The product has good, stable frequency characteristics.

In the future, we will create more and more suitable products for customers. Get more info!