In most cases, the discounted price offered to customers depends on order quantity of Soft Magnetic Materials . Processed from high quality raw materials at an affordable price and designed by our own professional engineers, the product is surely to be guaranteed with great performance and competitive price. With advanced technology and complete machines, we can guarantee bulk production as well as offering a discounted price on larger orders.

Transmart Industrial Limited has been performing well in developing and manufacturing
nanocrystalline ribbon. We are reputable in China after serving the market for years. According to the material, Transmart's products are divided into several categories, and amorphous core is one of them. Transmart nanocrystalline ribbon is produced under the combined theories. The knowledge of materials science and engineering, mineral engineering, and environmental science are adopted in production. This product helps improve efficiency for the electronic devices. The product features great thermal dissipation. It is capable of absorbing and transmitting heat under the proper ventilation. The product has good, stable frequency characteristics.

Transmart actively verifies the quality of raw materials we purchase.