How can I visit Transmart factory?
Contact Transmart Industrial Limited and tell us where to depart. A specific path may be provided. We make sure that the location of the factory is friendly to the environment and safe to the workers. Covering a large area and comprised of different workshops, the factory is aimed at offering quality nanocrystalline core.

Transmart is a leading company in mumetal cores industry by dealing with . Various in styles, Transmart's soft magnetic material can meet the needs of different customers. The product is not susceptible to the influence of external factors. It is treated with a layer of finishing that is anti-insect, anti-fungus, as well as UV resistant. The product features high saturation flux density. Transmart has a sound management system to ensure product quality and the interests of consumers. This product is distinguished for its almost zero magnetostriction.

our team aims to serve every customer well. Check it!

Transmart is a leading company in mumetal cores industry by dealing with . Various in styles, Transmart's soft magnetic material can meet the needs of different customers. The product is not susceptible to the influence of external factors. It is treated with a layer of finishing that is anti-insect, anti-fungus, as well as UV resistant. The product features high saturation flux density. Transmart has a sound management system to ensure product quality and the interests of consumers. This product is distinguished for its almost zero magnetostriction.

our team aims to serve every customer well. Check it!
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