How many people in Transmart R&D department?
In Transmart Industrial Limited, the number of employees in the R&D department makes up at least 20% of the total. R&D differs from most corporate activities in that it is not intended to generate immediate profits, but often leads to greater risk and uncertain return on investment. This is a secret message for us. We spent years developing new services or products and improving existing services or products.

Transmart has been the preferred choice in manufacturing e-cores. We have gained years of experience in the industry. The common mode chokes series is one of the main products of Transmart. The product has fine workmanship. Its details have undergone additional steps of fine processing of trimming the edges. It makes the components of electronic devices lighter and compact. It adds brand value. The positive image on it will strengthen the brand name, thereby increasing customer loyalty, increasing sales and ultimately infiltrating overall profitability. The case can be customized into one that is insulation taped or epoxy coated.
Adhering to integrity to work and customers can win the trust of customers and development of Transmart. Get more info!

Transmart has been the preferred choice in manufacturing e-cores. We have gained years of experience in the industry. The common mode chokes series is one of the main products of Transmart. The product has fine workmanship. Its details have undergone additional steps of fine processing of trimming the edges. It makes the components of electronic devices lighter and compact. It adds brand value. The positive image on it will strengthen the brand name, thereby increasing customer loyalty, increasing sales and ultimately infiltrating overall profitability. The case can be customized into one that is insulation taped or epoxy coated.
Adhering to integrity to work and customers can win the trust of customers and development of Transmart. Get more info!
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