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Vertical common-mode inductor what are the advantages?

by:Transmart     2020-08-11
In recent years, the market sales are to the practical development, general common-mode inductor already could not meet the requirements of sales market, so we must develop a inductance of new products to meet customer requirements, thus vertical common-mode inductor and so on the market. So what's the advantage common-mode inductor? General inductors are only a sense of value, two welding layer; And patch vertical common-mode inductor, there are two value feeling, sense of value is not the same; There are four welding layer. Can be adjusted according to the requirement of the consumer values and electric data traffic. So as to avoid the large capacity of mobile phone software inductors, anticipated effect is the same. Patch vertical common-mode inductor even patch installation, machinery and equipment are all able to solder wire, without artificial service installation, avoid the false welding, welding not firm, and so on and so forth. SMD vertical common-mode inductor burn, SMD inductors, inductance is the ability to store electrical energy transformation for the magnetic energy of electronic components, in addition is also a kind of consumables. In fact all electronic products in use process inevitable loss, just is the length of life. And common-mode inductance and inductance in addition to the loss of natural damaged inductance and some other reasons, such as split inductance coil burn out. General patch type vertical common-mode inductor burn for three reasons: first, the manufacturer in the process of design schemes of vertical common-mode inductance, inductance coil design is unreasonable, the design margin is not enough, the general manufacturers to give full consideration to the product will meet admiral use process are caused by various reasons, will design a heart more out of this part. 2, manufacturer for vertical common-mode inductor electromagnetic coil using silk covered wire quality is very poor, some manufacturers to facilitate cost savings to use fake silk covered wire, this kind of fake or substandard commodities heat resistance is very poor, it is easy to burn out. Three, manufacturers to vertical common-mode inductance coil temperature under general design requirements is 60 k, but directly with the manufacturers to reduce costs, also reduce the inductance coil number of turns, this leads to the inductance coil temperature up to 75 k, class here high temperature conditions, even normal magnet coil silk-covered wire cannot long-term undertaking, it might lead to the conductive came loose, rheostat expansion, in greatly reduced the inductance coil cable sheath level in addition, also greatly increase the risk of burning inductance coil. So how to solve? Patch vertical common-mode inductor burn out, in fact, to thoroughly solve the problems we must from the root cause. People to prevent this kind of easy to control costs and whether the quality of products manufacturers, select the inductance of the high quality product is ensured. Next, if found the magnet coil burn out must be properly disposed of immediately, to repair, can examine if the number of turns of common fault fault is very few, short circuit fault common parts is in the edge, and other vertical common-mode inductor is intact, if so, can tear open come down to the damage to emergency applications.
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