Four kinds of effective methods to prevent the magnetic saturation of transformer iron core
Four kinds of effective methods to prevent the magnetic saturation of transformer iron core - 2019
03 -
, in the process of construction of electric power system is to limit the short circuit current by using the method of serial reactor.
2, increases the size of current transformer change than the increase of current transformer ratio can effectively prevent the transformer saturation.
But increases the size of transformer is to reduce the size of the secondary side current value, which is harmful for relay protection device, therefore when choosing transformer variable ratio should weigh up the pros and cons.
Because of the current transformer secondary side load impedance mainly comes from the cable impedance, thus increasing the secondary side cable area and shorten the length of the cable can effectively prevent transformer saturation.
KaiQi gap and core current transformer can guarantee the stability of the state and transition in the process of the range of allowable error control in relay protection device.
Can be used in high voltage power system, therefore, this kind of current transformer to prevent saturation problem arises.
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