The application of the electromagnetic core taken by the fault indicator acquisition unit and the reason for the burning of the power taking coil
1. The principle of collecting electricity from the acquisition unit, the fault indicator, the current induction of the acquisition unit, and the use of the electromagnetic induction principle of 'dynamic electricity generates magnetism, and moving magnetism generates electricityThe method generates voltage and current on the secondary coil, realizes the transmission of electric power, and achieves the purpose of taking electricity from the wire. As shown in the figure, when a primary current flows through the primary winding N1, an alternating magnetic flux Φ1 is generated in the magnetic core magnet, and the alternating magnetic flux Φ1 passes through the magnetic circuit of the magnetic core to generate an induced voltage value U on the secondary winding. Compared with other electromagnetic mutual inductance transformations, the primary winding here is a cable or wire, and the number of turns is 1. In the process of forming a closed loop in the magnetic core, the alternating magnetic flux Φ1 will be hindered by magnetic resistance Φr, magnetic space radiation (magnetic leakage ΦL), etc., part of the magnetic flux will be lost, and only this part of the magnetic flux passing through the secondary winding will be Only Φ2 can effectively transmit electric energy to the secondary side, that is, Φ1u003dΦL+Φr+Φ2. It can be seen that under the same working conditions, the smaller the magnetoresistance Φr and the leakage flux ΦL, the greater the output power of the secondary side will be. Since the permalloy magnetic core acquisition unit needs to meet the requirements of live installation and removal, the magnetic core needs to be cut and buckled, that is, the magnetic core needs to be cut into two halves during production, and then closed to form a circular magnetic circuit during installation. When the magnetic circuit is closed, an air gap will be generated due to the cutting gap. Compared with the original toroidal core, its magnetic resistance Φr and magnetic flux leakage ΦL are greatly increased. Under the same working conditions, the better the cutting process, the smaller the air gap, and the magnetic The smaller the resistance Φr and the leakage flux ΦL will be, the greater the power output from the secondary side will be. In order to reduce the loss of the magnetic circuit and increase the output power level of the secondary side under the same wire current condition, it is necessary to use the magnetic core material with high magnetic permeability and high saturation magnetic flux density Bs value, so that the material selection of the magnetic core material tends to be high-end . After our multi-party experiments, the materials that meet the power requirements of the fault indicator acquisition unit are: permalloy 1L85, iron-based nanocrystal 1K107. Physical properties / magnetic properties of magnetic materials:
2. Relationship between magnetic flux and power/correlation calculation between theoretical formulas: (1)Φ1u003dB*Ae (2)Bu003dμ*H
(3)μu003dAL*Le/0.4*π* N²*Ae(N²u003d1)(4) Hu003d0.40π*N*I/Le where: μ: magnetic permeability B: magnetic flux density Ae : Magnetic core cross-sectional area H: Magnetic field strength AL: Inductance coefficient Le: Equivalent magnetic circuit length It can be seen that: at the same primary side current, the higher the magnetic permeability μ, the shorter the equivalent magnetic circuit length Le of the magnetic core , The larger the core cross-sectional area Ae, the larger the primary side magnetic flux Φ1. In order to minimize the losses of Φr and ΦL after the magnetic flux from the primary side is transferred to the secondary side, it is necessary to reduce the magnetoresistance loss and leakage loss, that is, to improve the magnetic permeability, optimize the effective magnetic path length of the magnetic core, and adopt excellent technology to ensure The cut faces of the magnetic core fit tightly. In our actual processing practice, the magnetic permeability of 1K107 iron-based nanocrystalline core after cutting can reach more than 15000, and the permeability of 1J85 permalloy core after cutting can reach more than 12000. What is the permeability of the permalloy core after cutting? Waiting for the next episode to break down.
3. Analysis of the reason for the burning of the power taking coil As the power taking coil works under the condition of power frequency, under the condition of reasonable design of the magnetic core, the iron loss caused by the eddy current of the magnetic core will not be too large. The core will not burn out, and the on-site burnout is mainly caused by the improper design of the secondary winding. When the working current of the primary side of the fault indicator increases, the output current of the secondary side will also increase correspondingly, that is to say, I1:I2 u003dN1:N2 is satisfied. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the winding copper wire according to the possible continuous maximum current on the primary side wire. The wire diameter and the current density on the winding should not be too large, otherwise high heat will be generated on the winding, causing the coil to burn.
4. Examples of application 1J85 (0.2mm permalloy) and 1K107 (0.025mm iron-based nanocrystals) are both ultra-high permeability soft magnetic materials. Under the condition of power frequency, the eddy current loss is almost negligible. In the current application of the fault indicator acquisition unit, its excellent magnetic properties cannot be compared with other magnetic materials of permalloy cores. The price of the magnetic core between 1J85 and 1K107 is about 2:1. In mass application, the magnetic performance advantage of 1K107 is outstanding, and the price advantage is outstanding.
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2. Relationship between magnetic flux and power/correlation calculation between theoretical formulas: (1)Φ1u003dB*Ae (2)Bu003dμ*H
(3)μu003dAL*Le/0.4*π* N²*Ae(N²u003d1)(4) Hu003d0.40π*N*I/Le where: μ: magnetic permeability B: magnetic flux density Ae : Magnetic core cross-sectional area H: Magnetic field strength AL: Inductance coefficient Le: Equivalent magnetic circuit length It can be seen that: at the same primary side current, the higher the magnetic permeability μ, the shorter the equivalent magnetic circuit length Le of the magnetic core , The larger the core cross-sectional area Ae, the larger the primary side magnetic flux Φ1. In order to minimize the losses of Φr and ΦL after the magnetic flux from the primary side is transferred to the secondary side, it is necessary to reduce the magnetoresistance loss and leakage loss, that is, to improve the magnetic permeability, optimize the effective magnetic path length of the magnetic core, and adopt excellent technology to ensure The cut faces of the magnetic core fit tightly. In our actual processing practice, the magnetic permeability of 1K107 iron-based nanocrystalline core after cutting can reach more than 15000, and the permeability of 1J85 permalloy core after cutting can reach more than 12000. What is the permeability of the permalloy core after cutting? Waiting for the next episode to break down.
3. Analysis of the reason for the burning of the power taking coil As the power taking coil works under the condition of power frequency, under the condition of reasonable design of the magnetic core, the iron loss caused by the eddy current of the magnetic core will not be too large. The core will not burn out, and the on-site burnout is mainly caused by the improper design of the secondary winding. When the working current of the primary side of the fault indicator increases, the output current of the secondary side will also increase correspondingly, that is to say, I1:I2 u003dN1:N2 is satisfied. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the winding copper wire according to the possible continuous maximum current on the primary side wire. The wire diameter and the current density on the winding should not be too large, otherwise high heat will be generated on the winding, causing the coil to burn.
4. Examples of application 1J85 (0.2mm permalloy) and 1K107 (0.025mm iron-based nanocrystals) are both ultra-high permeability soft magnetic materials. Under the condition of power frequency, the eddy current loss is almost negligible. In the current application of the fault indicator acquisition unit, its excellent magnetic properties cannot be compared with other magnetic materials of permalloy cores. The price of the magnetic core between 1J85 and 1K107 is about 2:1. In mass application, the magnetic performance advantage of 1K107 is outstanding, and the price advantage is outstanding.
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